The use of Doppler in the fetus is a very useful method in assessing the risk of preeclampsia (pregnancy blood pressure) and also examining fetuses at risk of IUGR (reduced intrauterine growth of the fetus) and examining how to respond to IUGR treatment as well as examining and deciding to terminate the pregnancy. . Several modalities have been suggested for IUGR follow-up,
including biophysical profile, amniotic fluid examination, test without access to it alone, examination of various maternal and fetal vessel velocities by Doppler, and a combination of these.
In fetuses at risk of intrauterine growth restriction, the Doppler modality is used especially to examine three vessels (uterine artery, umbilical artery, and middle cerebral artery)... know more
Doppler examination of the above vessels determines the flow of blood from the mother to the placenta and from the placenta to the fetus, as well as the flow of blood inside the fetus.
By examining the indices of resistance and pulsatility of the above vessels and comparing them with the tables in books, one can gain an understanding of how blood is supplied to the fetus, how the fetus grows, and how to treat it.